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Les 25 "net-compagnies" qui comptent publie un article intitulé The Next Net 25, sur les 25 sociétés du web les plus à même de rattraper un jour le succès de champions tels que Google, Microsoft ou Skype...
In the pages that follow, we identify 25 companies, in five Next Net categories, whose approaches help illuminate where the Web is headed and where the opportunities lie. Most are startups, a lot of them with less than 10 full-time employees. Few are currently making money, and it's a given that many will fail. But it's equally likely that somewhere within this group lurks the next Google or Microsoft or Yahoo -- or at least something that those giants will soon pay a pretty penny to have.

5 catégories et un objectif à chaque fois, devenir le nouveau leader (entre parenthèses, l'actuel):
  1. Social Media (Yahoo)
  2. Mashup and Filters (Google)
  3. The New Phone (Skype)
  4. The Webtop (Microsoft)
  5. Under The Hood (Amazon)

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